In the 4th installment of the Mission Impossible series, Ethan Hunt and his team are racing against time to track down a dangerous terrorist named Hendricks, who has gained access to Russian nuclear launch codes and is planning a strike on the United States. An attempt by the team to stop him at the Kremlin ends in a disaster, with an explosion causing severe destruction to the Kremlin and the IMF being implicated in the bombing, forcing the President to invoke Ghost Protocol, under which the IMF is disavowed, and will be offered no help or backup in any form. Undaunted, Ethan and his team chase Hendricks to Dubai, and from there to Mumbai, but several spectacular action sequences later, they might still be too late to stop a disaster.
I like this movie series, so I was really looking forward to watch the latest one.
This movie exceeded my expectations and all of the actors were splendid!
For example, Jeremy Renner acted as a soldier in 28 WEEKS LATER and THE HURT LOCKER. I was impressed with him very much. He will be replacing Matt Damon in Jason Bourne's series. Josh Holloway acted as Sawyer in the very popular TV series LOST. I like Sawyer better than the hero Jack. Needless to say Tom Cruise was amazing.
The best scene in this movie was that chasing of terrorist by Ethan. In an action movie, the audience usually don’t recognize where exactly is the hero in the scene of chasing and what happened because camera switches a scene so quickly. But in this movie, every chasing scenes were so clear and I could understand where he was and what happened. I thought it was a new method of the new director.
Tom Cruise was very active without a stuntman, so I think he had gotten to his age when he acted but he is almost fifty years old. In this movie, the independent Ethan became a team leader for the first time, so I think he will order an up-and-coming hero mission as a chief in the next story. Otherwise, if he doesn’t become to be a chief, he will continue active like Jackie Chan.
Anyway I enjoyed this movie as an entertaining and I want to go and see the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa in Dubai someday .
My rating:★★★
My rating:★★★
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