"SHINANAI KODOMO:ARAKAWA SHUSAKU (Children will not die)"(2010/Japan)
His Life(excerpt from wikipedia)
Shusaku Arakawa (1936-2010) was a Japanese artist and architect.
Arakawa studied mathematics and medicine at the University of Tokyo, and art at the Musashino Art University. Initially he worked with printmaking, using abstract dada and Neo-dada styles. He had lived in New York since 1961.
Arakawa met his partner Madeline Gins in 1963. Together, they founded the Architectural Body Research Foundation. They designed and built residences (Reversible Destiny Lofts, Bioscleave House, Shidami Resource Recycling Model House) and parks (Site of Reversible Destiny-Yoro). They developed an original theory and practice of the relation of the human being to the exterior world, elaborated most extensively in their book, Architectural Body. Arakawa and Gins were, together and separately, the authors of several books and exhibition volumes, most recently Making Dying Illegal.
This movie is a documentary centered on interviews with the residents living in the apartment complex which Mr.Arakawa built in Mitaka, Tokyo. The apartment complex is called Reversible Destiny Lofts.
I have actually seen it once and I was very interested in what's going on inside the rooms.

The floors are not flat, the ceilings are low enough to hit the heads of the residents, and the sound resonates in the irregular walls. Living in the apartment complex seems to be unconfortable. The residents should always be careful.
Mr. Arakawa said living in Reversible Destiny Lofts lead us to living our lives forever. We can survive against death.
I think the meaning is that using the senses such as touch, sight, and hearing stimulates the brain. (The residents use their senses very well because of the difference shapes of the room.) We die of brain death so, Mr.Arakawa thought we won't die if we will not be brain-dead. This is my interpretation.
The movie's director, Nobutaka Yamaoka, has lived this apartment ever since his child was born. He doesn't have his confidence in Mr.Arakawa's theory, but he certanly sees changes in his child.
This movie is difficult to understand, but if you are interested in residential architecture, this movie will help you to get new imagination. And if you are also intersted in Mr.Arakawa's theory, you will try to visit Reversible Destiny Lofts.
My rating:★★★
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